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-   -   美能达 AF 24-105mm D 和 AF 28-70mm G 广角端测试对比 (http://www.chyangwa.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3094)

RK 07-12-2001 05:08

简单作了一个对比。 地扫没有使用Digital ICE...

28mm 端, 光圈f3.5:

24-105mm D:

28-70mm G:

28mm 端,光圈f8:

24-105mm D:

28-70mm G:

RK 07-12-2001 05:11

其实这种比较很没有意思, 我的地扫仪是固定对焦,所有的片子都普遍偏软。


老色虎 07-12-2001 09:42


P_luz 07-12-2001 10:48

It is too difficult to diff the two lens on Monitor. RK, please declare the result by yourself, how much is the difference between them?

RK 07-12-2001 12:05

G 头在锐度,色彩上都明显占了上风(直接看幻灯片)。 D头广角端有明显暗角。

说句心里话,今天拿到片子之前,心里还咚咚跳,毕竟以前老吹嘘G头如何如何的好,但是从没有实践证明过。 今天看到片子以后,的确感到专业头的素质。。。


jeffsh 07-12-2001 13:47

我觉得好象24-105在f3.5的片子中左右偏暗, 而且很明显, 看来确实如RK兄所说专业头就是不一样

蜻蜓 07-12-2001 13:55


丁丁冬冬 07-12-2001 18:11

50/1.4 与G头比如何?

7bricks 07-12-2001 20:07


P_luz 07-12-2001 23:02

I think normally there is few chance to use big aperture at 24mm(or other wide angle), I would set to F5.6(at least) to take pictures. so I care the performance at small aperture more than F3.5. Do you have some test result at F5.6 or F8? :)

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