星期三, 四月 30, 2008

South France

出差来法国南部是件挺折磨人的事情,心有牵挂总不能好好享受。 唯一能做的就是闲暇之余,享受一下酒店阳台上的海景和阳光。 真想在这赖上一个月。
Hopefully I could spend one month to stay in south France with lovely sunshine. Driving car around the seaside.
I need long vacation!
PS: Seiko san I just decided I will come to Japan for two weeks in this August after our comapny summer sample meeting. I was so  tired for these few months.
We fig out!

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Italy 2008

这次的business trip 特别累,唯一的好处是每个城市都在海边,而我们订的每个酒店的房间也都面海,这让我多少有点度假的感觉。

I have really really tired for this business trip. walking around everyday in different cities and meeting with  people. talking long time with English that makes me headache.
We had nice hotels in Italy and South France in front of the seaside. However my feeling is not like in holiday, always have to think somthing about my job.

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星期三, 四月 23, 2008

Still in Italy

现在可怜到,只有出差才能写点blog的地步了。 走的时候匆匆忙忙的,忘记带我的书,所以坐火车的时候开始使劲研究我的的新电脑。 
Still in Italy, for the fashion trend researching, it's tired everyday, walking around the cities. 
I realized that I forgot to  get my book for the trip, so that is only fun thing to play with my new laptop, such as update my blog...... I found couple of cool shops in Milan and Roma, which would be great ideas for my studio in Shanghai.
Happy thing is I am going to London for few days by myself. Can't waiting for that!!!

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