星期二, 十一月 20, 2007

new hairstyle

My new hairstyle with my fat face!!!

作者 skimming () :: Comment (3)

星期五, 十一月 16, 2007


I haven’t re-new my blog almost three months since I came back to Shanghai. I just want to be lazy after working, do nothing and think nothing.  I quite surprise some of blog that I often read. Why they could keep fresh  every day.

I was missing London after talking to Patricia. I am missing the studio of my school, busy and happy. The library always has nice books and magazines; my favoritue RD FRANK book shop, with a little tea room…. Every thing is so far.

My life has become simple and little tedious or is going to be tedious.

作者 skimming () :: Comment (834)