星期一, 七月 31, 2006


Colorado 阳光明媚,气温舒适,群山环绕 , 风景秀丽。过了个十足的 holiday. 每天早晨往山上步行 1-2 小时 , 下午坐河边看书或午睡 , 好像有那么点虚度光阴或者提早享受退休生活的感觉。

作者 skimming () :: Comment (3)

星期三, 七月 26, 2006

Our Children are meditation

最近, 我的生活史无前例地被3 个小朋友占了很大一部分,小孩子们天真无邪,无忧无虑,让大人们时而欢笑时而忧。每天看着他们,和他们一起玩,让我发现了很多有意思的事情。





在很多人的童年时,都曾经有这样的品德和行为,但如今, 我们成年了,却保留了多少, 又丢掉了多少呢?这都又是为了什么呢?

所以,佛教书里说:'Our children are our meditation. 我们的孩子值得我们沉思冥想'


 I  have a nice time with 3kids this couple of weeks. They took me long time to stay with them. They have a power that they could easy let you both happy and angry in 5 minutes. However I have found some interesting things when I watched them. And then I realized that something important things for adults people.

 When Children interested in something such as playing game, watching TV, reading books etc. they would be absorbed in their case until forgetting themselves so that why they could learn quickly. 

 When children talk each other, they would listen carefully first, and answer questions.

 When children play game, they would stand to the rules. They would ask if they couldn't understand. They would apologize if they make mistakes.

 Children are always honest and they keep pure smile for everyone etc.

 I have to say. Normally lots of people keep those behaviors and moral characters, when they were little, but why we lost some of them when we become adults?

So that why a Buddhist book said ' Our children are our meditation'.

作者 skimming () :: Comment (1)

星期日, 七月 09, 2006


周末, 独自一个人端着电脑做电视前, 边看世界杯决赛边写BLOG, 今年的世界杯不怎么精彩, 我喜欢的队都回老家了, 莫名其妙的就剩下了意大利和法国, 不过决赛也还是要给点面子看一看的。美国人真的一点不爱足球,他们对着电视的表情绝对不会跟着赛事的进度而有任何变化。

 去电影院看了 < Pirates of the Caribbean 2 > ,电影难看到我差点要睡着,唯一让我印象深刻的是电影里那迷人的热带海滨和放映前那个昂贵的cocola 广告, 非常的creative 。明天还要被人拉去看 <The Devil Wears Prada>,希望不要让我又只是锻炼英文听力。


I am renewing my blog with final match of the World Cup2006. I hope Italy could win at the final time.

I watched ' Pirates of the Caribbean 2 ' last night. It was really bad. I nearly sleep during the movie. However there is only one thing that the nice tropical scene is amzing in that movie, and I loved a creative Cokecola advertising before showing. I hope I could enjoy 'The Devil Wears Prada' tomorrow. Not just practices my listening.

作者 skimming () :: Comment (2)

星期二, 七月 04, 2006

Couple of things in USA

坎坷不堪的到了 US, 不过这里的阳光还是美好明媚的。久违了的高温,让我觉得还是挺舒服的。



同住的朋友家有 3 个小孩,如果外加他兄弟的孩子周末来玩,一共 6 个小孩,父母们要公平合理的对待每一个小朋友真的不容易,看了我都累,难怪 kai 开玩笑的问我:"他们是不是让你觉得有孩子是件可怕的事情?"不过他们都很可爱,让你不得不爱。

作者 skimming () :: Comment (5)