星期六, 五月 27, 2006

The Chelsea Flower Show

    下了一个星期的雨之后, London的天空今天终于放晴了, 下了课匆匆赶往全世界最大的花展-Chelsea Flower Show

    1913年起,Royal Horticulture Society 每年都会在Chelsea Royal Hospital举行年度园艺设计比赛。工匠,园艺设计师,园艺设备制造商均会在此呈现最新的园艺设计想法,花种和新的器材。无论是增长见识,或是纯粹观赏优美的园艺设计景观都是一种享受,所以每年都吸引着来自世界各地的参观者。


    看了很多奇怪的,以前从没照过面的花卉和植物,花团锦簇, 形形色色,千姿百态,不得不感叹大自然的力量。

I have been the Chelsea Flower Show that is the biggest flower show in the world with lovely sunshine yesterday. The Royal Horticulture Society has made competition of the horticulture since 1913. There are many kinds of plants, flowers, fruits, vegetable and herbs to display the finest examples of horticultural excellence.

I have talked with a man who is from New Zealand. I was so shocking, because he has planning to visiting just only 2 days for the Chelsea Flower Show, and then he is going to go back his home. That is a crazy and exaggerated case.

I have never seen a lot of gorgeous, fantastic flowers that is really amazing, which you would feel the natural beauty and power.



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星期二, 五月 23, 2006

Degree Show (一)

每年学校这个时候,都可以看到各系学生们准备Degree Show的忙碌身影。

看到组挺有意思照片,生活里, 我们经常这样桎梏自己。

I found an interesting photo in a degree show of LCC.

We are quite often to do this kind of things by ourselves.

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星期五, 五月 19, 2006

Unlucky Day


MSN里常会看到些朋友抱怨的签名,原因五花八门,不过造成这郁闷的结果倒颇为相似,只是有程度深浅之分。 自己也常被朋友用来当作絮叨的工具,有个朋友,平日里他给人印象幽默风趣,待人亲切,随和,成天给别人带来很多happy。反而有一天他突然问我,what would you do when you feel unhappy? I said you just think god is too busy, he forgot to take care you today or the moment! 要为了小事,可以选择蒙头睡一觉,大吃大喝发泄一顿,痛快了,也就完了,再难点的事情,找掏心窝子的人倾诉一番,要再难上加难的话,基本也就剩专业的心理医生了。其实无论大小的unhappy,能帮你recover的只有yourself ,再聪明的别人也就起“催”化剂和“促进”消化的作用,不是吗?

作者 skimming () :: Comment (6)

星期一, 五月 15, 2006

The Power of Love


恋爱谈到这种境界,在25岁之后年龄段里出现的肯定不多,饭后和Seiko闲聊,说发生这种情况的机率也就可能在初恋期或者人生的后半段,也不知道他们这Power是来晚了还是来早了?聊着聊着!突然我们都觉得自己不怎么Pure, 把一件很简单的事情给想复杂了,惭愧,惭愧!



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星期一, 五月 08, 2006

Recommend one book:

 A clever author  told you a wisdom life of him


作者 skimming () :: Comment (6)

星期日, 五月 07, 2006

Come Back London

I have just been back London 10days, my life also go back as normal, that it’s project,  project and project…Lucky, London got the best season of whole year now, lovely sunshine and nice views, which make me little bit relax and thinking something nicely. I would like to bring my heavy folder to taking bus, watching people, enjoy the shop windows etc. Akie went to V&A Museum with me last Saturday. There have done new decoration for the garden and the shop, and we were very satisfied with ‘Modernism’ exhibition as well. I told Akie San ‘ I am exactly come back London, it make me exciting, I love it.’’

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