星期四, 三月 09, 2006

couple of things during couple of weeks

   几周来天天印大布,门板大的三块screen拿上拿下,洗来洗去,一天从头站到尾, 反正回家的时候可以感觉自己目光已近呆滞。不过和对门那每天10小时就织那么8x8厘米大的布头的AKIE来说,我觉得自己还是很有成就感的。


  李安拿了OSCAR 最佳导演奖,《断背山》还没看,听说不错。李安擅长人物内心戏,很细腻,所以《理性与感性》拍的很不错,但看其作品调调都不温不火,就像壶老也烧不开的水,到不了那沸点,欠些挖掘人性深处的东西。关于同性恋题材的电影,《断背山》讲的是男同志的故事,倒也让我想起一部不错的女同志电影:High Art  <高潮艺术>/<高档货> 1998年出品。

  最近伦敦的天气差的让人闹心, 朋友信上说上海已是微风柔柔,阳光暖暖的春天了。于是往左看我墙上的日历,离回上海的日子越来越近了,再往右看我一地的作业,兴奋之意瞬间即逝。

I was doing the fabric printing this couple of weeks. It was so tired that I have never imaged before. However Akie is poorer than me, she only can weave a little tiny fabric (8x8cm) after nearly 10hours. Comparing with her I have to thank god!

All of teachers of university in London have struck yesterday. It's so ridiculous. There are quite a lot of strange things in England.

Ang Lee has got the best director of the Oscar. I haven’t seen ‘Breakback Mountain’ yet. In my case, I don’t like Ang Lee too much. He is a good director who can display well and clearly about the inside of human nature, but not too deeply and strongly. The ‘Break back Mountain’ is talking about the gay, which makes me remember an old lesbian film ‘High Art’.

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